Lilly is obsessed with Cinderella. As a special treat for the new big sister my mom got her this dress and gave it to her during her stay with them. It came with a crown and magic wand. She rarely wants to wear anything else.
Here she is casting a spell. She will curl her nose, point the wand at you and say "Bipity Bopety Boo". That's when you know that you have been turned into a frog, horse or most likely a kitty cat. Please notice the shoes. She calls them her 'fancy dancin' shoes'.
Here is Lilly having her picnic lunch at the park. We were all astonished to learn that a two and a half year old can sit this close to slides, swings and a jungle gym and still eat an entire peanut butter and jelly sandwich. But, eventually she found her way to the slides.
Thanks Grandma and Papaw! It was a load off my mind while in the hospital to know that Lilly was not only being taken care of, but having a great time too.
We enjoyed having her!!!