Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Steppin' Out

Big news.
Lilly took a step...just a little step, but a step none the less. She was standing up, holding onto the coffee table, when she reached for her Papaw. To get to him she had to let go of the table. So she did. She squatted down like she was going to crawl, but instead she stood up and took two little steps. Go Peanut Go!
We also had a doctor's appointment today. When the doctor asked me what Lilly was doing developmentally I told him about the steps, among other things. He said she was a genius and the most talented baby he had ever seen. Well, actually he said she was doing really well and I took it to mean that he thought she was the smartest most advanced baby he had ever had the pleasure of treating. Other than that the doctor's appointment was routine. She weighs 17 pounds 13 ounces and stands 2 feet 4 and a quarter inches tall.
In other news.
Lilly loves her green buggie...now more than ever. But, instead of riding on it, she pushes it. She pushes it though the living room, she pushes it in the kitchen, she pushes it in the hallway and she pushes it through her toys and into the wall. Then she yells "mmmm" and "ooooooh" until I come and turn it around...and away she goes.
Here is Lilly dancing on the table legs looking brave. Maybe she will take another step soon.

1 comment:

  1. Go Lilly!!

    I agree she most certainly is the most advanced and talented and beautiful baby the Dr. has had the privilege to treat.
