Friday, July 29, 2011


Several important and notable things have happened in the last week or so that are blog worthy. However, instead of devoting an entire blog to each event I have decided to skim through them like you would the Sunday paper and mention only the headlines. Here goes...

Jack Says "Mama".

Actaully, he says "Ma Na", but its clear what he means. This, obviously, isn't a picture of him saying, "Ma Na", but I can't really get a picture of that. He only says it when he is crying or distressed and I think it was after this bath, which Bryan gave him, that he said it for the first time. And, he looked pretty cute in his little tub anyway.

Lilly Discovers Lip Gloss.

And, she discovers that her father will do almost anything she wants. When Lilly asked Bryan about opening up the lip gloss he readily agreed. I'm sure he thought she would be the one wearing it. Unfortunately for him, she had no interest in wearing any, but she did want to put some on him. Well, actually she wanted to put a lot on him...and a tiara.
Jack Pulls Up And Stands

...on some paper towels that I haven't put away. He has been pulling up a few other times, but this was actually the first. Today, in fact Jack tried to stand while holding onto Lilly's step stool in her room, sadly, he lost his balance and bumped his cheek.
Jack Discovers The Dog's Water.

Jack LOVES the dog water. It is his new favorite toy. If I turn my back on him for even a second he is heading for the water bucket as fast as he can. And, that is surprisingly fast considering he is still dragging himself along using only his big toes, one arm and a hand. When I see him and say, "Jack NO!" He just looks at me and goes faster. I might as well have shouted, "Jack HURRY!"

Lilly And Jack Have Started To Play With Each Other

Which means they are only a short time away from fighting with each other.

Leap Of Faith-Lilly Jumps Off The Diving Board

As you know, Lilly has been taking swimming lessons since early June. At the very first lesson her instructor assured me that by the end of summer Lilly would be swimming under water and jumping off of the board. I doubted him. But, he was right on both accounts.

You had to know that I couldn't just list the headlines without a little bit of explanation to go with it.

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